NYC Landmark Carbon Reduction Legislation

On April 18, 2019, New York City passed landmark legislation that sets stringent carbon emission limits for buildings starting in 2024 (First compliancy report due May 1, 2025). This will affect buildings greater than 25,000 square feet (initially approximately 50,000 buildings). Nearly 80% of buildings in NYC are heated with steam. Among the many energy saving measures mentioned in the legislation, it is recommended to implement Radiator Control Valves (TRV’s), Orifice Plates and making sure all Steam Traps are functioning properly. If your building has steam radiators or convectors, this is where Tunstall Corporation & Macon Controls can help. Please use the “Contact Us” form below for more information and get the conversation started today.

Click here for the Urban Green Council Emissions Law Summary

Does your building have Steam Radiators or Convectors?

We can help!

Steam Trap Repair Kits

New Steam Traps

New Radiator Control Valves (TRV’s)

EVO-28 Direct Mount Operator

(non-electric, Electric and Wireless available)

Orifice Plates

1-Pipe Steam Valves

+ =

Hand Valve Rebuild Kits
(Conversion Kits)

Below are links to valuable information for saving energy and reducing carbon emissions in steam heated buildings

LINK to Study: Urban Green Council Study
LINK to Study: Steven Winter Associates Study
LINK to Study: NY Times Article

Tunstall Corporation
118 Exchange Street
Chicopee, MA 01013

Toll Free: (800) 423-5578
Phone: (413) 594-8695
Fax: (413) 598-8109

Contact Form

If you would like to learn more about these products that can help contribute to your carbon reduction energy savings goals, please fill out the form below and a Tunstall representative will respond as soon as possible.